Wednesday, March 31, 2021

What are you even doing, Alicia?

Today is my 27th birthday, and one of the odd things I enjoy doing on this day is setting new goals and getting a little more organized! What are my goals with this new blogging venture, you ask? Good question. 

  1. want to keep things low-key. I do not have the time, nor the inclination, for something fancy or time-intensive. 
  2. I want a space to further explore the books I'm reading. Instagram is a lovely space, but there's only so much room to talk books in the captions. 
  3. I want a repository for all my odd little research and personal interests, from Celtic folklore and mythology, to obscure medieval saints, to homemaking and cultivating a slow and gentle life, to American frontier history. A little room to type out and explore those "counter-cultural ideas" of mine, as one friend worded it. (Traditional may be another name for them ðŸ˜‰)
  4. In that vein, perhaps my blog's title is a bit of a misnomer, and I need to find something more fitting, but I want a space to explore all my thoughts—ultimately in pursuit of the good, the true, the beautiful. 
Now, are these proper goals that follow the SMART model, as recommended when setting behavior goals as an LSSP? No, not at all. 😆 Measurability is in great question here. But they do provide me with a framework, and that is enough for me. 

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