
Welcome, friends! I'm so glad you're here. I hope you will pour yourself a cozy drink and stay awhile on my little bloggy corner of the internet. 

I'm Alicia, a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP) by day, and avid reader at all other times. When I say I'm an avid reader, I mean I easily read hundreds of books annually. I think good literature is one of the best ways to explore this world and the beautiful people that populate it. I particularly love digging into a good classic, golden era detective fiction, and epic fantasy. 

I think I now have to say I'm in my late twenties (or can 27 year-olds still claim mid-twentydom?). I'm the oldest of four, two brothers and a sister, with a fourteen-year age gap between myself and the youngest. (It is delightful and I would not have it any other way!) We live in the American South/Southwest, depending on how you divvy up the map. It's semi-tropical here, so you will probably hear me complain about the humidity ten out of twelve months of the year. And yes, my odd-ball "old" self is still at home. I am a homebody, and love being with my family. Bonus points, it's cheap!

I am a (Roman Catholic) Christian, and it is my goal that all I do points back to Jesus. 

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." — 1 Corinthians 10:31, ESV

Ultimately I am in pursuit of the good, the true, and the beautiful. 

Église Saint-Séverin in Paris, France; photo taken the summer of 2014

While my main plan is for this blog to serve as a repository for all my odd little personal interests, from books to Celtic folklore and mythology, to obscure medieval saints, to homemaking and cultivating a slow and gentle life, to American frontier history, I am hopeful that it will be a space that fosters conversation and a sense of community. And perhaps give me a little room to type out and explore those "counter-cultural ideas" of mine, as one friend worded it. (Traditional may be another name for them 😉)

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